p 108 No 50
Losyns. Take good broth and do in an erthen pot.
Take flour of payndemayn and make (th)erof a past
with water, and make (th)erof thynne foyles as paper
with a roller; drye it harde and see(th) it in broth.
Take chese ruayn grated and laye it in disshes with
powdour douce, and lay (th)eron loseyns isode as
hoole as (th)ou myt, and above powdour and chese
and so twyse or thryse & serue it forth.
In Modern English:
Loysens. Take good broth and put it in an earthen pot.
Take white bread flour and make therof a paste with
water and make therof thin foils as paper with a roller.
Dry it hard and boil it in broth. Take raw cheese, grated
and lay it in a dish with poudre douce, lay on top of that
the loysens. Above that more powder and more cheese.
Serve it forth.
Yes indeed, Medieval lasagna. I use regular lasagna noodles, Ricotta cheese and a powder of cinnamon, sugar, clove and anise. I will get arguments on the anise, but I like it. You can also boil the noodles in a spicy broth to add zip.
p109 No. 51
Tartlettes. Take pork ysode and grynde it small with safroun;
medle it with ayren and raisouns of courance and powder fort
and salt, and make a foile of dowh and close the fars
(th)erinne. Cast (th)e tartlettes in a panne with faire water
boillyng and salt; take of the clene flessh with oute ayren
& boile it in gode broth. Cast (th)er powder douce and salt
and messe the tartlettes in disshes & helde the sewe (th)eronne.
Tartlettes. Take boiled pork and grind it small, add saffron. Mix it with eggs, currants and powder fort and salt. Make a foil of dough and put the forcemeat in it. Put the tartlettes in clean boiling water with salt. Take some of the pork without the eggs and boil it in good broth. Put all in a dish and sprinkle with powder douce, salt and broth.
This is a nice soup. Pork raviolies... Get your ground pork done fairly fine. Add about 1 egg per 1 to 2 pounds. Save aside some of the meat before you put in the eggs as you will need it later. Throw in a good handful of currants, about 1 tsp of powder ( I use lots of ginger for this one) per 1 to 2 pounds and about 1/2 tsp salt. Squash it all together well. Get your wonton skins (or make your own dough, as you like) and fold them in a decorative manner. Drop the tartlettes in boiling salted water. Be warned they cook fast. Take some of the meat and put it in boiling spicy broth. Make sure it is cooked through. When the tartlettes are nearly done strain them from the water and finish them in the boiling broth. Dish them out and sprinkle a bit of powder douce on each dish.
Author: Black Tauna blktauna@shawstudios.com. Last Updated: 1-12 1996