*Forme of Curye
ed. Constance Hieatt & Sharon Butler, Early English Text Society, Oxford University Press, 1985
Sometimes differently spiced but sometimes surprisingly modern...
- raviolis
- applemoye
- gees in hotchpot
- frumenty
- blanche porre
- blomanger
- stewed pigeons
- loysens / tartlettes
- rabbit in syrup / figgy pudding
*Le Viander de Tallivent
Le Menagier
ed and trans. Joseph Dommers Vehling, Dover
Delicately prepared vegetable with cumin seemed to be very popular in Ancient Rome...
- Varro Beets
- Asparagus
- Young Cabbage
- Rapas
- Porros
- Carrots
Cariadoc's Miscellaney
His Grace Cariadoc has made a Miscellany and there are many recipes therin.
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Author: Black Tauna
Last Updated: 9-1 2000
Main Recipes Byzantine Stuff